4 Uses for Current Sensor and Relay Combos

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This week’s Tech Tuesday is all about current sensor and relay combos. A lot of people like the idea of having a relay and a current sensor in one box, but are unsure how to use them. There are virtually infinite applications when it comes to specific load types and controllers. However, most of these applications can be reduced to four simple setups.

  1. Load Triggered Relay

Want a load to trigger a second? It’s easy to do with a current sensor relay combo. Simply put the current sensor on the load wire of the trigger, then run 24V through the current sensor contacts to the relay coil, as seen below. Every time the current sensor is tripped, it will turn on the relay, which will turn on your second load. Good models for this application include the RIBXLSRFRIBXLCRA, and RIBXLSJA.

current control relay

  1. Load Trigger with Monitor

It’s easy to turn on a load with a relay, but sometimes you also need to make sure it turned on. Current sensor and relay combos are great for this type of application too. Many of our combos, such as the RIBXLSARIBXLCARIBX24BA, or RIBHX24BA, have the current sensor built into the relay to sense the current going through the relay contacts. Typically, the current sensor status contacts go back to the same controller that turned on the relay. This way, the controller can turn on the load, and then see that yes, it did indeed turn on.

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  1. Load Trigger with Supervisor

This application is very similar to the previous one, but with the addition of being able to tell your controller what level of on your load is. This is done with a 0-5V, or 0-10V output on the current transducer instead of a simple on/off status. Models like the RIBX24BVRIBXLCV, or RIBXLSV are great for this type of application.

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  1. Simple Current Sensor and Relay

Sometimes it’s just nice to have two different things in the same box. A big assumption with current sensor and relay combos is that you have to use both together in some grand application, which isn’t true at all. Sometimes the only reason to get a combo is because you need both a current sensor and a relay for two separate applications, but you’re looking to save some space and money. Simple as that!

cs relay simple 1160x487 1

Most applications involving a current sensor and relay combo will be one of these four setups. The only thing that changes is the load type and voltages! If you’re still having trouble figuring out if you need a combo, or which specific combo to choose, give us a call or send an email to Contact Us.

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Tym Moore
Tym Moore

Tym Moore is an Electrical Engineer who hails from the best state of Colorado.
He graduated from Colorado State University in 2017 and moved to Indiana shortly afterward to marry his now wife. Outside of work, Tym spends most of his time driving back home, and complaining about how flat Indiana is.

Be sure to give Tym a call for tech support. He will always do his best to find a solution for you.

Articles: 33